The Spontaneous Adventure

Berlin, Germany Trip began like any other trip; a bored mind and an idea. I had four days off of work and nothing to do. A couple of friends have been mentioning…

Army Physical Training

Wiesbaden, Germany Being in the military you may think that soldiers spends hours, upon hours in the gym or always working out. On the contrary, soldiers do focused physical events that focus…

New Year 2014

So it’s a new year once again and I’m sure there are so many resolutions to be accomplished this year. For me it has been pointed out to me countless times that…

Christmas Market 2013

Wiesbaden, Germany Season’s Greetings Readers, It’s winter once again here in Germany, but there is something very different this year: No Snow yet. It has definitely gotten cold, and we are even…

Speyer, Germany

Speyer, Germany Appreciating a Blurry Photo While taking a walk in Speyer, Germany I was just walking with the crowd taking snapshots here and there. Speyer is a city that I have…

Destination Korea!

For the past month I’ve had the benefit of living in South Korea. During my time on this trip I really want to put some focus to my writing. Instead on doing…

Paris, France

The Paris Misadventure. Have you ever had a moment where you just told yourself, “I wanna be in Paris right now.” I have. Now a benefit of living in Central Germany is…