New Year 2014

So it’s a new year once again and I’m sure there are so many resolutions to be accomplished this year. For me it has been pointed out to me countless times that I Am A Procrastinator! and at this point who am I to deny this anymore. So among other things, this year I plan to be more active or proactive in my projects. So here is the goal for the New Year: A Post A Week, and soon commit to more but now commit to one post a week . I think this is more than doable especially since i don’t have a problem writing, the problem is finishing and publishing my post. As I type this up I have three or four drafts just waiting to be published.

So this year I will commit more of my time to a project that I as really motivated about. Now to watch it grow.

Just a few things to mention about the year to come:
My time in Germany is coming to a close. It has been a great three years. In my future I can look forward to moving back home, with the possibility of either moving to Los Angeles, CA or Austin, TX. Goals are applying and getting into University of California at Berkeley or UCLA or even University of Texas at Austin. Also continued travel to and from Korea.

Here’s to another great year and Happy Shooting!

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