My Costly Mistake

So on my journey back home, I did the unthinkable. I missed my flight! By a mere 8 minutes, I was not allowed to bored my flight.

I had started the day so well, Go up early, packed all my belongings, even caught an early train ride to the airport. In my mind that was too early. With my flight scheduled to depart at 2055, and my arriving at 1600 to Seoul city, I had plenty of time. At least so I thought. I didn't realize just how quickly time passes. Finding an open locker so I didn't have to lug around my have bag took about an hour! But of course I had plenty of time.

Walking around the central train station wasn't enough to satisfy my desire for exploration, so I took to the streets. Still thinking, Oh I got 3 hours before my flight leaves, I have plenty of time.

Not going very far at all, the Seoul Metro Station offer a variety of activities to passerby transients. Shopping with the Lotte Department Mall and Outlets Mall, featuring a HiMart for your electronic needs is located right inside the station. Food is everywhere, from Lotteria, the fast food place, to local seafood restaurants; don't be alarmed by the little old ladies beckoning to enter their eatery. Up the hill is the Namsan Park, where they have a beautiful walking path and if you have time even make it to Seoul tower by cable car, the walking path can be quite steep but if you have some time it's worth exploring.

When staring at my watch and seeing that I had two hours felt I began my decent on the hill and headed back to the station. Again thinking I had plenty of time I stopped for a scoop of ice cream at the famous Cold Stone Creamery. That is the most expensive scoop of ice cream I have ever tasted. This little bowl of strawberry-banana mix with cheesecake that was suppose to cost 6,900 Korean Won, ended up costing me more than $300 in rescheduling fees for my flight ticket. Now I really can't blame the ice cream, I really got lost in the city's atmosphere. Making my way to the express train now offered at Seoul Station that take you directly to Incheon Airport in 43 minutes for only 8,000 won, I felt that I could still make it. My train was leaving at 1940 and scheduled to arrive at 2023, I Can Make It!

Sitting anxiously, thoughts racing through my head, “Maybe it will be late, maybe this train will arrive early, all I have to do is run!” Belt already off, all metal and anything unnecessary stashed into different pocket of my bag, I was ready to take flight as soon as the train doors opened. But to no avail my efforts were futile.

8 minutes late, I was told that they closed check-in for this flight 8 minutes ago and they have already began boarding. In her apologetic tone, she told me there is nothing she can do.

What is your travel horror story? Have you ever had a situation where you thought you had planned the trip perfectly but still fell threw? Shoot me a comment, or follow me on facebook / twitter.



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