Hollywood Sign Overlook

Life in Los Angeles, California 2017

Hollywood Sign Overlook

Since the fall of 2014 I have permanently relocated to Los Angeles, California. Since 2007 I have been on the move thanks to the US Army stationing me at many great locations allowing me to fulfill so many incredible travel opportunities.

Santa Monica Pier

My timeline goes as such: Los Angeles, CA to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma to San Antonio, TX to El Paso, TX to Kirkuk, Iraq to San Antonio, TX to Wiesbaden, Germany and back and forth to Korea.

At the conclusion of this journey I met my, now incredible wife, and were married in the summer of 2016.

As noted there has not been an entry since my final trip to Korea in 2015 due to the many changes in my life. Now that I am back home in Los Angeles there is a need to find a new direction for my travel writing.

I have been blessed with the unique opportunity to live in such a diverse city, it is my purpose to rediscover the area where I grew up. So much has changed in the last 7 years that I feel like I am in a completely new city.

Life continues to surprise me and I hope I continue to embrace my sense of exploration and share with you the reader my new discoveries.

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