Korean Hot Spicy Noodles

Korean Food: Spicy Noodles

We have all at one point or another had some good ole Cup o’ Noodle soup. Well I have found that Ramen is still a typical quick meal option wherever you go.
What I’ve found different is that there are so many types and flavors to choose from.
The usual chicken, shrimp, or beef are available but I got adventurous and was given the “Hottest” spiciest noodles around. I always remembered as a child adding hot sauce and lemon to my noodle soup, so I thought how spicy could it be?

Don’t forget, This Is Korea!

Korean Hot Spicy Noodles
Korea takes spicy to a whole new level.

At first I expected the noodles to be fiery red, but the dull appearance of the noodles made my confidence grow even more that I could handle these noodles.

Cooked Korean Ramen


Every bite was pain.  I couldn’t tell is my mouth was burning because the noodles were still not of if the acid that was enter my mouth was burning a hole in my face.

And yes those are tears running down my face.

Me crying after eating noodles

I did finish all the noodles and it is really quite tasty. But just because you finished the noodles you are not out of the woods yet. It does make a comeback on the other side.

Still worth the experience.

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