Destination Korea!

For the past month I’ve had the benefit of living in South Korea. During my time on this trip I really want to put some focus to my writing. Instead on doing the normal foreigner experience in Seoul, I traveled south to Daegu. Before coming to Daegu I did a little research, mainly YouTube to see what to expect. Everything I found made Daegu seem like a really crowded, bustling, yet small area. Like everything about Daegu was crammed into a very tight space and everything else was just really rural and undeveloped. I also thought that the downtown area would be aimed at westerners or foreigners and most people would speak English. I thought that the city transforms in the nightlife, as if the city itself changes into a raging party. I had a certain expectation of the attitude of the women as well, mainly taken from older films depicting Asian women as always searching for a free ticket out of the country, for someone to buy their freedom. Also the men, I expected some negativity from them, me being a westerner here to steal and take advantage of their women. I am happy to report than my mentality about this country has been changed completely.

In the post to come I will being sharing parts of what I have experience and what I have come to find out about this great country and all it has to share.

Just a little background about me in regards to this adventure, I am not Korean nor have I ever been to Korea. I do not speak Korean so I expect some difficulties in that aspect trying to communicate. I do have help while I’m here but I will be living mainly as a tourist, taking tours, and seeing the main attractions. I have been told that I have the stomach of a goat so I am not afraid to try new foods, so I not biased in what I eat. Also I am never afraid of trying something new, so I really hope I get the opportunity to try new things really out of my comfort zone.

This will be a really open experience for me, I plan to have a ton of fun. I especially hope everyone enjoys reading about it and is inspired to create their own adventure.

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