
Paris, France

The Paris Misadventure. Have you ever had a moment where you just told yourself, “I wanna be in Paris right now.” I have. Now a benefit of living in Central Germany is…

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a country that shares a border with Germany, France, and Belgium. Having such a centralized location, this country is very accessible. We purchased the Euro Rail ticket from the automated teller for…

Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt, Germany Frankfurt is known as the financial capital of Germany. As you can imagine it is full of tall structures and modern buildings, but there is something different here in Frankfurt….

Kassel, Germany

A Dogs Day in Kassel Kassel, Germany I have the fortune to be living in Germany. Now what I have come to find out is that dogs are widely accepted as a…

Strasbourg France

Strasbourg, France In the winter time I had the pleasure to visit Strasbourg’s famous weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market in German). All around Germany there are tons of Christmas markets that begin around the end of November…