
1 Year Later!

It has been 1 Year to the date that I left Korea. And guess what! I’m Back! I am back in South Korea for 2 months while on summer break. A lot…

My Costly Mistake

So on my journey back home, I did the unthinkable. I missed my flight! By a mere 8 minutes, I was not allowed to bored my flight. I had started the day…

The Spontaneous Adventure

Berlin, Germany Trip began like any other trip; a bored mind and an idea. I had four days off of work and nothing to do. A couple of friends have been mentioning…

Christmas Market 2013

Wiesbaden, Germany Season’s Greetings Readers, It’s winter once again here in Germany, but there is something very different this year: No Snow yet. It has definitely gotten cold, and we are even…

Speyer, Germany

Speyer, Germany Appreciating a Blurry Photo While taking a walk in Speyer, Germany I was just walking with the crowd taking snapshots here and there. Speyer is a city that I have…

Destination Korea!

For the past month I’ve had the benefit of living in South Korea. During my time on this trip I really want to put some focus to my writing. Instead on doing…