1 Year Later!

It has been 1 Year to the date that I left Korea. And guess what! I’m Back! I am back in South Korea for 2 months while on summer break. A lot has gone on since last year. I went home, started school full time, and … got a job! Wooaaaah! I know crazy.

Sunrise over Beverly Hills

So this years goals with my blog:
– Write at least 3 x a week.
– Try all the interesting foods! To include the live octopus, the octopus and I will battle it out to see who will emerge victorious.
– Do some video this year instead of all photos.
– And travel more north than before.
– Of course Learn MORE Korean. which I have really bad at in the past years.

Me getting on Singapore Airline Plane

I will based out of the south end of Korea in Busan, and the most north I have traveled is Seoul. So my goal this year is to make it to the DMZ and see North Korea.

Shout out to Singapore airlines non stop trip from San Francisco to Seoul in 12 hours. Great food! The first meal was fresh water eel with rice and a huge ice cream.

Ice Cream Singapore Airline


The movie selection was great and even for my tall 6 foot self the leg room in coach was acceptable. Also because it was an international flight everything is included.

Alright my readers, Here’s to a successful year.

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